Footprints to Recovery, Mental Health Treatment Program in NJ

Life is about to get better.

Bipolar Disorder (BD)

Living with bipolar disorder can be challenging. Our mental health facility in New Jersey is well-staffed and equipped to treat many mental health, personality, and mood disorders like bipolar.

bipolar disorder

Known to cause extreme shifts in mood and behavior, bipolar disorder (BD) affects around 2.8% of adults in the United States. Due to the complex nature of bipolar, symptoms often pose challenges to the individual, their loved ones, and medical professionals.

In the past, bipolar was called manic depression due to the severe mood swings from happy and energetic to sad and lethargic. When left untreated, these shifts in mood and behavior can cause problems in every aspect of life. Often, they can make everyday tasks feel impossible.

Footprints to Recovery offers treatment programs for bipolar disorders that are affecting your quality of life. Our New Jersey mental health treatment facility employs experienced clinicians who craft treatment plans around your specific needs.

Our approach is to stabilize mental health issues like bipolar disorder using the latest evidence-based and holistic practices. We then prepare you for the ups and downs of life by imparting valuable knowledge and coping skills across our outpatient levels of care.  


The healing process can pose many challenges - all of which can be difficult to cope with on your own.

Our team of licensed mental health professionals can help you manage your symptoms and create a new, more fulfilling life.


We accept most major insurance provider plans.

If you have coverage of any kind, we will work with you to determine your benefits for mental health treatment. Any information you share with us is kept strictly confidential.

What Causes Bipolar Disorder?

Research into the cause of bipolar disorder has yet to unveil anything specific, but it seems that genetics play a large role. According to the American Psychiatric Association, between 80 and 90% of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder have a family member who also suffers from mental illness.

Other factors like stress, lack of sleep, and substance abuse can also play a role in the development of bipolar disorder. It’s rare for children or teenagers to develop the disorder. It’s more common for symptoms to start around age 25.

Understanding the Different Types of
Bipolar Disorder

When diagnosing the condition, the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) outlines several types of bipolar disorder. The DSM assists psychiatrists, psychologists, and other clinicians within the behavioral health community in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions. Understanding the different types of bipolar can help those struggling with the symptoms learn the unique ways their brain chemistry affects their moods and behaviors.

Types of Bipolar

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), there are three main types of bipolar disorder. All three types of bipolar present with noticeable changes in mood, energy, and activity levels.

At times, people can experience bipolar symptoms that don’t perfectly align with the three specified types of bipolar. In these cases, people may receive a more generalized diagnosis such as “unspecified bipolar.” Likewise, people can struggle with more specific presentations of bipolar symptoms, which are categorized into three separate subtypes.

Bipolar I Disorder

You may receive a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder if you experience:

Bipolar I disorder is the most severe form of this condition. To meet the criteria, you must consistently experience manic symptoms for one or more weeks. Following a period of mania, people typically face a 2-week depressive period. Depending on the individual, you can also experience mixed symptoms, both manic and depressive, at the same time.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder during a manic episode include:

 Symptoms of bipolar disorder during a depressive episode include:

The manic and depressive episodes found with bipolar I disorder can impair your daily functioning, relationships, and quality of life. In general, manic episodes tend to be more problematic due to the level of unpredictable and impulsive behavior. While in this state, you are more likely to need hospitalization to ensure your safety as well as the safety of those around you. 

Bipolar II Disorder

You may receive a diagnosis of bipolar 2 disorder if you experience:

A key element of bipolar II disorder is hypomania. In general, hypomanic episodes are a less severe form of mania. Typically, symptoms of hypomania only persist for up to four days and are not as debilitating as the manic episodes seen in bipolar I. However, bipolar II disorder also includes depressive episodes that occur in between periods of hypomania. 

For this reason, it’s not uncommon for those with bipolar II to embrace their hypomania, seeing it as a reprieve from a period of depression. As a result, you may not consider your hypomanic episodes to be a problem. It’s possible that you view your hypomanic state as a source of productivity, channeling your energetic mood into school or work. Following periods of improved performance, you may feel appreciative of these bouts of energy.

While the symptoms of depression are also more intense in bipolar I, the periods of low mood and energy feature much of the same features seen in bipolar II. During a depressive episode, you struggle with self-motivation and concentration. Often, feelings of guilt or worthlessness can fuel suicidal thoughts. In addition to these symptoms, depression can negatively impact your appetite and sleeping patterns.

More often than not, people with bipolar II disorder will seek treatment during a depressive phase as they tend to be more debilitating than hypomanic episodes.

Cyclothymic Disorder

You may receive a diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder if you experience:

Cyclothymic disorder is a rare subtype of bipolar disorder characterized by chronic and fluctuating mood changes. Also known as cyclothymia, this form of bipolar disorder results in periods of hypomania and depression that occur for at least two years. However, the symptoms do not meet the criteria for a diagnosis of a full manic episode or a major depressive episode.

If you struggle with cyclothymia, your mood swings can occur with or without an obvious trigger. Depending on the individual, they can last for days, weeks, or months. It is also important to note that cyclothymia can sometimes develop into bipolar 1 or bipolar 2 disorder. Therefore, it is important to seek professional help if you are experiencing symptoms.


People with bipolar disorder can also experience symptoms of subtypes including:

It is important to note that everyone’s experience with bipolar disorder is unique and not all individuals may have the same symptoms or receive the same diagnosis. That is why medical attention is necessary to accurately diagnose and treat your condition. With proper treatment, you can manage your symptoms and a lead full, productive life.

Wondering If Your Insurance Covers
Treatment for Bipolar?

Struggling With Symptoms of Bipolar?

No matter what type of bipolar you’re facing, Footprints To Recovery Mental Health is here to help. We offer comprehensive treatment programs designed to identify emotional and behavioral triggers for your moods and provide you with the tools needed for long-term recovery. 

Our dedicated care team comprises experienced psychiatrists, licensed therapists, and certified substance abuse counselors who will support you every step of the way, ensuring you achieve the best possible outcome. With our guidance, you can embark on a transformative journey towards genuine happiness and fulfillment. Reach out to us today to discover more about our comprehensive bipolar treatment services.

How Is Bipolar Disorder Treated?

It is important for individuals to work closely with their mental health professionals to develop an effective treatment plan that works best for them. This may involve medication, psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, and other forms of support. With the right treatment plan, people with bipolar disorder can manage their condition and lead meaningful lives.

To do so, people with bipolar disorder need to remember that their condition does not define them and there is hope for a stable, happy life in recovery. With the right treatment plan and lifestyle changes, you can manage your condition and live a healthy and fulfilling life.

Having an understanding of bipolar disorder is also important for those around the individual with the condition. It’s important to have patience, in addition to specialized care, during times of mania or depression. This intensive level of care is a key part of therapy for bipolar disorder.

Therapies for Bipolar Disorder

During treatment for bipolar disorder, mental health counselors can help you integrate lifestyle changes and therapies that can help you manage your symptoms. Therapies for bipolar disorder focus on managing acute symptoms, stabilizing mood, and preventing relapse. As a result, you can recieve short-term, intensive symptom management and long-term recovery. 

Common types of bipolar disorder therapy include:

During therapy for bipolar disorder, you can learn unique techniques for identifying patterns in your behavior that may be triggering episodes, develop coping skills, and improve interpersonal relationships.

While participating in therapy for bipolar disorder, you can:

To receive personalized care, it is important to find a therapist who has experience working with bipolar disorder. That way, you can work together to create a treatment plan that meets your individual needs. 

Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT)

Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT) is a specialized form of therapy designed for individuals with bipolar disorder. This form of therapy focuses on stabilizing daily routines and improving interpersonal relationships to help manage the symptoms and mood episodes associated with bipolar disorder.

IPSRT recognizes the importance of regular daily routines, including:

Disruptions to set routines can trigger episodes. IPSRT helps individuals establish and maintain stable social rhythms. This promotes stability in their biological rhythms and reduces the risk of mood swings.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based therapeutic approach to bipolar disorder. While medication management is often a key component of bipolar disorder treatment, CBT can complement medication by helping individuals manage their symptoms. Then they are better able to cope with stressors and improve their ability to function.

In general, CBT focuses on identifying and challenging negative or distorted thought patterns. This includes addressing cognitive biases, such as all-or-nothing thinking or catastrophizing, that can exacerbate mood-related symptoms. 

By challenging and replacing negative thoughts with more realistic and balanced thinking, individuals can reduce the impact of negative thinking on their mood and well-being. As an effective treatment for bipolar disorder, CBT also helps individuals develop coping skills, identify triggers for episodes, and reduce stress levels.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a type of therapy that uses skills-based exercises to help you manage stress. As a modified form of cognitive behavioral therapy, DBT’s initial purpose focused on the treatment of borderline personality disorder. Now, therapists utilize DBT practices in the treatment of a wide range of mental health disorders, including bipolar disorder. In dialectical behavior therapy, you can learn techniques to manage symptoms of emotional dysregulation and impulsivity that come with the disorder. This is because DBT can help you manage symptoms of emotional dysregulation and impulsivity that come with the disorder.

DBT consists of several core components aimed at helping you develop skills such as:

These skills can be beneficial for individuals with bipolar disorder in managing mood swings, reducing impulsive behaviors, and improving well-being. By learning to better manage your emotions and recognize triggers, you can gain more control over your moods. In turn, practicing DBT skills can lead to fewer episodes of mania or depression that accompany bipolar disorder.

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a Mental Health Specialist

Bipolar Medication Management

There are several medications used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. A consultation with the team of mental health experts at Footprints to Recovery Mental Health can offer more insight into which medications will be the most effective.

Some common medications used to treat bipolar disorder include:

Medications for bipolar disorder can help you manage your symptoms by evening out any mood fluctuations that can trigger the onset of a manic or depressive episode. 

Medication management for bipolar disorder is an ongoing process, so it’s important to stay in contact with your doctor and mental health team. During treatment, we conduct regular check-ins and medication adjustments when needed to help you keep your episodes under control.

Mood Stabilizers

Mood stabilizers target rapid changes in mood, preventing episodes of mania and depression. These medications can help reduce irritability and stabilize your mood over time. Lithium is one of the earliest medications for bipolar disorder, but it can cause nausea, vomiting, and weight gain. Other mood stabilizers include valproic acid (Depakote), carbamazepine (Tegretol), and lamotrigine (Lamictal). Often, these newer medications for bipolar are more tolerable with fewer adverse side effects.


Some antipsychotic medications are effective in managing bipolar disorder symptoms. Antipsychotics can help stabilize your mood while treating symptoms of mania and psychosis. Examples of antipsychotics include aripiprazole (Abilify), olanzapine (Zyprexa), and quetiapine (Seroquel).


While antidepressants can benefit people with bipolar, research shows that taking an antidepressant by itself can trigger a manic episode. For this reason, clinicians often prescribe antidepressants in combination with a mood stabilizer or antipsychotic medication in cases of bipolar depression. Common antidepressants include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and sertraline (Zoloft).

Anti-Anxiety Medications

Anti-anxiety medications, such as benzodiazepines, can help reduce anxiety symptoms associated with bipolar disorder. Examples of these medications include lorazepam (Ativan) and alprazolam (Xanax). Although benzodiazepines can be helpful for short-term relief of anxiety or periods of insomnia, they are typically not a long-term solution. This is because benzos can lead to dependence or addiction if taken for an extended period of time. 


Psychoeducation can provide valuable insight into the nature of bipolar disorder and how it affects your day-to-day life. During treatment for bipolar, mental health education can teach you about common symptoms, treatments, and other important aspects of your disorder. As a result, you can develop a solid understanding of bipolar disorder to build off of when learning strategies to cope with mood episodes, triggers, and stressors.

Our mental health professionals address any questions or concerns that you may have about bipolar so that you can better understand yourself.

Treatment For Bipolar Disorder

Footprints to Recovery Mental Health offers comprehensive care for bipolar disorder and other mental health disorders. The most common treatment process for bipolar disorder involves evidence-based therapies and medication to manage symptoms. Our team of mental health professionals can help you find the path to recovery which best fits your needs. We offer transitional levels of care during our outpatient program so that everyone can find a safe and effective treatment plan that can help overcome the challenges that come with bipolar disorder.

“We take pride in our work and are committed to making each of our clients happy.”

Treatment for Bipolar Disorder at Footprints to Recovery Mental Health

Entering treatment for bipolar disorder at Footprints to Recovery Mental Health can help you create a plan for managing your symptoms and building strategies to cope with its effects. Throughout treatment for bipolar, our experienced clinicians will help you in learning mindfulness techniques to identify and reduce triggers that can bring on mood swings, such as stress or lack of sleep. With support from mental health professionals, you will receive guidance and advice to help you better cope with bipolar disorder.

Contact our team of mental health professionals today and learn more about our bipolar disorder treatment programs. You can also verify your insurance coverage during the free consultation with our team.

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