Footprints to Recovery, Mental Health Treatment Program in NJ

Life is about to get better.


Content Writers

At Footprints to Recovery Mental Health, each content writer ensures that our blogs align with our mission and uphold quality medical standards. To do so, all of our content writers conduct extensive research on topics related to mental health and recovery. Our goal is to provide readers with the most current information regarding these issues so they can make informed decisions about their medical care. For this reason, our content writers create blog posts that are both informative and easy to read, covering difficult subjects in an accessible way.

Our blogs provide readers with resources, new studies, and personal stories to create an engaging environment. Above all, we hold ourselves accountable for the accuracy of the information we distribute which is why we also enlist the help of our medical reviewers. Our commitment to providing reliable information allows people to develop trust in Footprints to Recovery Mental Health as a source of trustworthy content. 

Our Content Writers

Anjali Talcherkar

Dr. Anjali Talcherkar

Clinical Content Writer

Dr. Anjali Talcherkar holds a doctorate in Integrative Medicine from Saybrook University and an MA in Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles.

Medical Reviewers

Medical reviewers for Footprints to Recovery Mental Health ensure that the content on our website aligns with our mission and upholds quality medical standards. To do so, all of our content undergoes a rigorous review process before publishing it on our website. We also regularly review and update our content to ensure that it remains up-to-date and relevant.

Our medical reviewers come from a variety of backgrounds, including medical doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals. For this reason, their professional expertise enable them to relay reliable and accurate information to our content writers. This collaborative writing process provides our readers with reliable and trustworthy information on mental health topics. In doing so, they can make informed decisions regarding their mental health.

Our Medical Reviewers

Lauren Tropiano

Lauren Tropiano

Clinical Director of Mental Health

Lauren Tropiano, LPC, ACS, uses her expertise in psychology and counseling to review Footprints to Recovery Mental Health blog content.

David Szarka

David Szarka

Executive Director

David Szarka, MA, LCADC uses his expertise in organizational psychology to review Footprints to Recovery Mental Health blog content.